Examples of teaching materials

I have decided to include some materials I’ve used over my years teaching. Feel free to use/copy these. I also teach English, French and Spanish. If you find this useful and would like to know more, please be in touch through the “contact” section of the website.



Bearings are shown as an angle going in a clockwise direction from the North-South line.

  1. For example, if you are told to draw a sketch of ship at a point which is 62km from harbour Hwith a bearing of 270º, you would:
    1. draw H then put a vertical North line through H.
    2. measure 270º clockwise from the line NH then draw the line HB making it perhaps 6.2cm.

You are then told there is a ship C 87km due South of ship B and travelling at an average speed of 16km.p.h. How long should it take ship C to get to and what course should it take?  A ship is on a bearing of  068º from a lighthouse. What is the bearing of the lighthouse from the ship?  From A the bearing of B is 042º and the bearing of C is 132º.  AB is 4km and AC is 6.5km.


    1. ˂ BAC and  ˂ACB
    2. the distances BC and AB.




Fertilizing a field


1 acre = 4046 square metres  =  0.004 square kilometre

1 cwt = 50.8 kilo

SupaDupa Fertilizer is sold in bags of 600 kg.

John’s Dad usually uses 2 cwt of SupaDupa per acre. He gives John a full bag of SupaDupa to spread on a 3.5 acre field while he’s away on holiday.

  1. How much fertilizer will John need?
  2. Approximately how much SupaDupa should be left?
  3. Ron’s football training ground is about 10,000 sq metres. Has John got enough fertilizer left to give Ron?